90' There will be 4 minutes of injury time.
88' Juve have an interesting free kick from the right. Salihamidzic takes it, but the referee whistles for a foul in Empoli's favor.
87' Vannucchi fires a free kick from about 30 meters, but it hits Pavel Nedved's face in the Juve wall.
86' Yellow Card Budel A.
85' Budel gets booked for protesting.
82' Nedved comes in to replace Camoranesi.
82' Substitution Camoranesi M. Nedved P.
81' Del Piero tries a shot from the left side of the area, but it's not his night.
79' Del Piero takes two corner kicks in succession, but then Juve commit a foul in attack and it's a free kick to Empoli.
78' Immediately Giovinco wins a corner as his shot gets deflected out. But the corner comes to nothing.
77' Substitution Moro D. Giovinco S.
76' Last change for Empoli: Juve youth product Giovinco replaces Moro.
72' Grygera gets booked for a foul.
72' Yellow Card Grygera Z.
71' Zebina wins a corner kick. Camoranesi takes it, but it gets blocked by the Empoli defence.
70' The midfielder can't continue: Malesani replaces him with Budel.
70' Substitution Musacci G. Budel A.
69' Musacci goes to the ground after a clash with Trezeguet.
67' Camoranesi gets a yellow card for protesting.
67' Yellow Card Camoranesi M.
66' Abate makes a nice turn on the edge of the area and shoots, but it goes a few meters wide.
64' Vannucchi makes a good run towards the Juve goal, but somehow Chiellini clears the danger with Buffon's help.
63' Moro tries a decent shot from outside the area, but it goes well wide in the end.
61' Ranieri makes an attack-minded change, Trezeguet coming in to replace Tiago.
61' Substitution Tiago Trezeguet D.
57' Substitution Giacomazzi G. Vannucchi I.
57' Malesani immediately takes off Giacomazzi to avoid a second yellow card, Vannucchi coming in his place.
55' Giacomazzi gets a booking for foul play.
55' Yellow Card Giacomazzi G.
54' Iaquinta seems to be fouled inside the area, but the referee waves play on. A dubious episode; if the referee had pointed to the spot it would not have been a scandal.
52' Yellow Card Moro D.
52' Moro gets a yellow card for a foul on Del Piero. Iaquinta takes the ensuing free kick, but it's blocked by the wall.
50' Marchisio fouls Camoranesi a few yards away from the penalty box and it's an interesting free kick. Del Piero takes it, it's on target but it lacks power and precision, allowing Balli to make an easy save.
49' Salihamidzic wins a corner kick after a good move on the left, but it comes to nothing.
49' It's over. Empoli manage to hold an uninspired Juve side to a 0-0 draw at the Stadio Castellini and get a morale-boosting result in the relegation battle. Juve, meanwhile, deserved nothing more tonight as they barely ever made themselves dangerous, but remain comfortably in third place. Stay tuned on Goal.com for all the post-match reactions and reports.
46' We're off with the second half. No changes in either side.
45'+1 Buffon comes out easily to grab Abate's cross.
45'+1 The first half finishes 0-0. It's been a rather uneventful 45 minutes with no chances of note for either side. See you back in 15 minutes for a hopefully more entertaining second half.
45' There will be just one minute of stoppage time.
44' Del Piero tries some dribbles on the edge of the area, but Marzoratti makes an excellent interception on the Juve captain.
43' Moro sends in a dangerous cross from the right, but no one gets to it.
40' Del Piero tries a shot from the edge of the area, but it's well off target.
38' Camoranesi wins a corner for Juve. It's taken quickly, but the Empoli defence clears it. So far Juve have been really disappointing up front, failing to create any real danger.
35' Salihamidzic tries to find Del Piero up front, but the pass is just a fraction too hard.
33' It's all Empoli right now, but they aren't exactly testing Buffon yet.
30' Marchisio plays a wonderful long pass to Giacomazzi on the left wing, but he can't make himself dangerous.
29' Substitution Molinaro C. Grygera Z.
28' Ranieri makes his first substitution: Grygera substitutes Molinaro, who is taken off for precautionary reasons due to his early yellow card.
26' Now Empoli give away a corner kick as Marzoratti hacks away an easy cross. Del Piero takes it, but it's straight to the keeper.
25' Moro tries a volley from around the penalty spot, but the ball rebounds off Molinaro.
23' Empoli are giving a spirited display so far and now they are pinning Juventus back in their own area.
22' Marchisio and Antonini play a nice one-two on the left, but the former's shot from the edge of the area is innocuous and Buffon grabs it easily.
18' Molinaro makes another foul in midfield, and the home crowd scream for a second yellow card. But the referee doesn't reach for his pocket again and only gives a free kick.
15' The free kick comes to nothing though, and Empoli make themselves dangerous on the counterattack, but Juve manage to clear the danger.
14' Nice move by Del Piero, who wins a free kick from a very dangerous position close to the corner flag. Marzoratti gets booked for his foul.
14' Yellow Card Marzoratti L.
13' Nocerino strikes a shot from distance, but it goes well wide.
11' Big chance for Juve, as Zebina sends in a sharp cross from inside the area, but neither Del Piero or Iaquinta could get to the ball.
9' Giacomazzi is stopped for a dubious offside position. TV replays show the linesman was incorrect. That would have been a dangerous chance for Empoli.
8' Molinaro gets the first yellow card of the match for a foul in midfield.
8' Yellow Card Molinaro C.
7' Another interesting move by Del Piero, who dribbles past two opponents on the edge of the area, but then Iaquinta commits a foul and the chance is lost.
6' Del Piero plays it beautifully for Zebina on the right, the Frenchman makes a good run and looks for Iaquinta, but goalkeeper Bassi comes out to claim the ball.
4' Chiellini tries to find Del Piero with a long pass on the left, but it's too long and the ball goes out for a goal kick.
3' Del Piero takes a free kick from the left, but it's easily cleared by the Empoli defence.
1 The match has started, Empoli have the first touch.
0 Good night and welcome to Goal.com's live coverage of the Serie A match between Empoli and Juventus. The Bianconeri will be looking to strengthen their current third place in the standings, while Empoli will be desperate for a good result as they are in serious danger of being relegated. Ranieri has decided to keep Trezeguet on the bench at the start, with Iaquinta, who scored the winning goal last weekend against Napoli, and Del Piero playing up front.